[[A person with disheveled hair stretches their arms. A sunburst indicating sleepiness is above their head.]]
Person: I just woke up [...]
[[The person continues speaking from off panel, to a second person who's sitting at a table with a laptop and cup. They've leaned their elbow on the chair, turning to face the first person.]]
Person: From the most
Second person: Which was?
Person: All the girls who read and follow
The Rules
and all the guys who swear by the techniques in
The Game
paired off with each other and left the rest of us alone forever.
Second person:
{{Title text: Lucky. In MY dream, all the people who grew up loving The Giving Tree paired up with all the students who had weird dreams after reading The Metamorphosis. That one was more confusing.}}
Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).
We did not invent the algorithm. The algorithm consistently finds Jesus. The algorithm killed Jeeves. The algorithm is banned in China. The algorithm is from Jersey. The algorithm constantly finds Jesus. This is not the algorithm. This is close.